Top-Selling Books on Money Management

Think about this...if you could learn from someone else's mistakes so you didn't have to waste time and money learning from them yourself....why wouldn't you? There are several books out there that can show you how to build wealth from people who have actually done it. They teach you by personal experience what to do and what not to do on your financial journey. Here are a few of the most popular ones.
“We all have tremendous potential, and we all are blessed with gifts. Yet, the one thing that holds all of us back is some degree of self-doubt. It is not so much the lack of technical information that holds us back, but more the lack of self-confidence.”
Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.
“All events of wealth are precluded by process, a backstory of trial, risk, hard work, and sacrifice. If you try to skip process, you’ll never experience events.”
Working hard, saving 10 percent, and retiring at 65 is a chump's game because 1) financial markets are simply too volatile and 2) you'll "be in a wheelchair" by the time you actually have enough to retire, according to author MJ DeMarco. A better strategy is to use the volatility of the financial markets to get rich quickly and enjoy it now.
"Conditions have changed, but we are still operating financially by the rules established during the Industrial Revolution--rules based on creating more material possessions. But our high standard of living has not led to a high quality of life--for us or for the planet."
Whether you’re just beginning your financial life or heading towards retirement, this book will show you how to: Get out of debt and develop savings, save money through mindfulness and good habits, rather than strict budgeting, declutter your life and live well for less, invest your savings and begin creating wealth, save the planet while saving money, and much more!
"What I have done is packaged the time-honored information into a process that is doable and has inspired millions to act on it."
By now, you’ve heard all the nutty get-rich-quick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. Hey, if you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at this—it’s the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And it’s based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies.
"You picked up this book because you are broke. Keep reading and you will discover what you need to know--and do--so you will not be broke forever."
Over the course of ten chapters that can be consulted methodically, step-by-step or on a strictly need-to-know basis, Suze takes the reader past broke to a secure place where they'll never have to worry about revisiting broke again. And she begins the journey with a bit of overwhelmingly good news (yes, there really is good news): Young people have the greatest asset of all on their side — time.
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