Professional Writing Services

Your document is evaluated as a whole and problems of structure, organization, coherence, and logical consistency are corrected. Sentences may be removed or added. Paragraphs may be rewritten, condensed, or expanded. Blocks of text may be moved from one section to another.
Substantive editing includes one revision at no additional charge. Turnaround time must be negotiated.
Correct problems of grammar, style, repetition, word usage, and jargon.
Copy editing includes one revision at no additional charge. Turnaround time for copy editing typically is three business days.
Minor errors are corrected, such as: errors of grammar and style (e.g., verb tense, units such as ml, use of numerals and words such as “5” or “five”); errors of capitalization, punctuation (e.g., the use of commas, semicolons, colons, periods, dashes, apostrophes); errors of spelling and word usage (e.g., to/too, affect/effect)
Turnaround time for proofreading typically is two business days.
Will amend document text to ensure that it complies with the required format, such as the format required by a specific journal.
Turnaround time can be negotiated.
Literature citations are checked to ensure that each citation that appears in the text is also included in the list of citations. Citations are also checked to ensure that each citation that appears in the list of citations also appears in the text.
The format of the citations are corrected so that it conforms with requirements, such as the style preferred by a specific journal.
Tables, figures, graphics, etc. are checked for accuracy against raw date provided by the client.
Providing a one to two page diagnosis of a manuscript that highlights the areas where changes might be most beneficial. Criticisms that are likely to arise during peer review, such as repetitive, ambiguous, or incomplete information, will be noted.
*A review includes proofreading at no charge.
Turnaround time must be negotiated.

To read some samples of my published articles,
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Corporate Writing
Ad Copy (from simple banner ad text to commercial scripts)
Annual Reports
Biographies ( for executive profiles on the company's site)
Blog Posts for Company Blogs
Business Letters
Business Plans
Case Studies
Marketing Plans
Media Advisories
Media Kits
Packaging Copy
Press Releases
Product Descriptions
Product Manuals
Sales Letters
Slogan Development
Social Media Profiles
Trade Magazine Features
Web Copy
White Papers

To read some samples of my published articles,
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Magazine Writing
Serial Column
Profile & Interview
Informative & Service
Human Interest
Research Shorts